Cameroon / National Map / 2015
This data category requires a high level national map. To satisfy this category, the following minimum criteria must be met:
- Scale of 1:250,000 (1 cm = 2.5km).
- Markings of national roads
- National borders
- Marking of streams, rivers, lakes, mountains.
- Updated at least once a year.
Data Location
The most complete, detailed and up-to-date maps in Cameroon have to be found at the National Institute of Cartography.
It is a public body in charge of conception and construction of map, either administrative map, road map, topographic map or geodesic map. It is also in charge of handling the production specific map according to anyone purpose or goal. It may be a map or a monograph for a specific locality, for a council, etc. with any type of information one might need.
But the problem is that they charge a fee for accessing maps. All their maps are up-to-date.
Reviewer comments
Everything seems correct, only that I didn't find anything to suggest they offer online, and machine readable files, they offer hardcopys, so I'm changing these two answers to unsure.
Data Availability
- Yes
- No
- Unsure
- No data
Date the data became available | Unknown |
Format of data | Unknown |
Reviewer | Gil Zaretzer |
Submitters | anonymous |
Last modified | Tue Oct 13 2015 10:24:37 GMT+0000 (UTC) |