5 days forecast of temperature, precipitation and wind as well as recorded data for temperature, wind and precipitation for the past year. In order to satisfy the minimum requirements for this category, data submitted should meet the following criteria:

  • 5 days forecast of temperature updated daily
  • 5 days forecast of wind updated daily
  • 5 days forecast of precipitation updated daily
  • Historical temperature data for the past year

Data Location



Forecast data is available at the link above.

Historical/climate data is available here: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cdo-web/datasets

There are some online and some offline data. The ones that are offline need to be ordered by mailing NCEI. All that is online can be downloaded for free but what is offline needs to be ordered and “most offline services require an additional charge." Also in order to “certify” data records in the case that they are used in court, there might be further costs.

Unsure if most of it is online but there definitely exists offline data. Here are places to look for online data: a. Dataset Gallery of NOAA; b. Quick links to many of NCEI’s datasets on weather/climate; c. Operational Climate Data Records; d. Climate Data: Dataset Discovery

Yes, openly licensed because it goes with the World Meteorological Organization Resolution, which means non-US info cannot be used for commercial use; international data can be used within the US or for noncommercial international uses without any restrictions.

Reviewer comments

I updated this submission with the forecast data in addition to the historical/climate data. We accept this submission because it meets our criteria of 5 days of precipitation, temperature and wind forecast.

Data Availability

  • ? Openly licensed
  • Y Is the data available for free
  • Y Is the data machine readable
  • Y Available in bulk
  • Y Is the data provided on a timely and up to date basis
  • Y Is data in digital form
  • Y Publicly available
  • Y Does the data exist
  • Y Is the data available online
  • Yes
  • No
  • Unsure
  • No data


Date the data became available   Unknown
Format of data   XML
Reviewer   Neal Bastek
Submitters   anonymous
Last modified   Mon Sep 21 2015 18:58:18 GMT+0000 (UTC)