Records of actual (past) national government spending at a detailed transactional level; A database of contracts awarded or similar will not considered sufficient. This data category refers to detailed ongoing data on actual expenditure. Data submitted in this category should meet the following minimum criteria:

  • Individual record of transactions.
  • Date of the transactions
  • Government office which had the transaction
  • Name of vendor
  • amount of the transaction
  • Update on a monthly basis

Data Location


The first page is not a notice of (un)availability, rather an introductory message. Data is available in a form of a web application, where you are supposed to choose a public body and/or private company doing business with government. Examples: gives a graph and list of all expenses by Ministry of finances. gives all income for Post of Slovenia received from public bodies. Companies also have listed owners, supervisors and directors. You can combine bodies and companies, eg. lists all expenditure from Information comissioner's office given to Post of Slovenia. Bulk data is available at: All transactions above 2000€ are noted and dated (starting from 2003) with a summary log for the rest. There is an API available and official interface provided, which can list all the transactions, not limited to the abovementioned sum:

There is also a 3rd-party scrapper available here:

Additionally , there's detailed monthly and yearly documentation of the balance of public finances at (PDF, XLS): nih_financ/

Reviewer comments

Duplicate submission

Data Availability

  • N Openly licensed
  • Y Is the data available for free
  • Y Is the data machine readable
  • Y Available in bulk
  • Y Is the data provided on a timely and up to date basis
  • Y Is data in digital form
  • Y Publicly available
  • Y Does the data exist
  • Y Is the data available online
  • Yes
  • No
  • Unsure
  • No data


Date the data became available   Unknown
Format of data   JSON, JSONP, XML, XLS
Reviewer   Mor Rubinstein
Submitters   Tryggvi Björgvinsson
Last modified   Sat Nov 29 2014 23:00:08 GMT+0000 (UTC)