A database of postcodes/zipcodes and the corresponding spatial locations in terms of a latitude and a longitude (or similar coordinates in an openly published national coordinate system). If a postcode/zipcode system does not exist in the country, please submit a dataset of administrative borders. Data submitted in this category must satisfy the following minimum conditions
- Zipcodes
- Address
- Coordinate (latitude longitude)
- national level
updated once a year
Administrative boundaries
- Boarders poligone
- name of poligone (city, neighborhood)
- national level
- updated once a year
Data Location
The Brazilian postcode is named CEP. It is an hierarchical code with 8 digits. The partial 5-digit CEP have map and polygonal representation, but full 8-digit CEP not (it is used today as a logistic non-spatial information), is only a street segment attribute.
Individual CEPs are supplied free, but a full-copy of all CEPs aren't free (not available in bulk)... The access to database queries is free as Internet-webservice: CEP-to-address, and address-to-CEP, human and machine resolution services... So this is a cause of ambiguity in this form: CEP is individually free, but must pay to access on bulk.
The CEP, as a postcode-list, is copyrighted and sold by the public company "Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telégrafos - Correios" (Brazilian mail service). It is a non-spatial database, with no coordinates in the dataset: https://www.correios.com.br/para-voce/correios-de-a-a-z/dne
The postcode copyright monopoly by Correios company exist since 1978, with the Federal Law 6538.
Reviewer comments
The post code dataset is available, at a cost from GeoData company https://www.geopostcodes.com/Brazil.
Data Availability
- Yes
- No
- Unsure
- No data
Date the data became available | Unknown |
Format of data | free webservice (JSON, etc.) for individual items, copyrighted (must pay) database as both, .mdb and .txt |
Reviewer | Codrina Maria Ilie |
Submitters | Peter Krauss |
Last modified | Sat Aug 29 2015 00:04:41 GMT+0000 (UTC) |