National government budget at a high level. This category is looking at budgets, or the planned government expenditure for the upcoming year, and not the actual expenditure. To satisfy this category, the following minimum criteria must be met:

  • Planned budget divided by government department and sub-department
  • Updated once a year.
  • The budget should include descriptions regarding the different budget sections.

Data Location


The Budget law is promulgated in the State gazette, so it is in the public domain. The PDF is also published on the Ministry of Finances website (see here for 2015:

The consolidated budget framework is published on the Finances ministry website, usually as an Excel generated PDF. The available Excel sheets for 2015 are different amendments but their aim is unclear.

Data has been considered unavailable in bulk because each file, be it in machine-readable format or no, has to be downloaded individually. Also, the data has been considered available for free as anyone can access the files and download them from the Ministry's website.

Reviewer's note - Although each excel file needs to be downloaded individually,it is all in one webpage, and we consider that as bulk. For the future, it would be better if all the data was in one spreadsheet.

Reviewer comments

Changed data to bulk. Data was up to date, and I changed the timely question to 'YES'.

Data Availability

  • N Openly licensed
  • Y Is the data available for free
  • Y Is the data machine readable
  • Y Available in bulk
  • Y Is the data provided on a timely and up to date basis
  • Y Is data in digital form
  • Y Publicly available
  • Y Does the data exist
  • Y Is the data available online
  • Yes
  • No
  • Unsure
  • No data


Date the data became available   Unknown
Format of data   Excel
Reviewer   Mor Rubinstein
Submitters   Boyan Yurukov
Last modified   Sun Sep 27 2015 21:40:51 GMT+0000 (UTC)